Christian began his career in the venture capital department of a large German bank. He then took over the position as Managing Director of a mid-cap tooling company. From 2000 until the end of 2008 he was Managing Partner and Director in the M&A consultancy firm InterFinanz.
Christian is co-founder and shareholder of Livingstone Germany. He has expert knowledge in the Automotive, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Tooling, Food & Beverages, Textiles, Construction Materials and Sanitary Industries.
Education & Qualifications:
- Universität Köln. Diplom-Kaufmann
CR Clemens Reuschenbach
apt Gruppe
Mengtai Group Co., Ltd.
Deutsche Infrastruktur- und Netzgesellschaft mbH
Rheinhard Rohbau GmbH
Deutsche Infrastruktur und Netzgesellschaft mbH
IMD Infrastrukturanlagen Montagedienstleistungen GmbH
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
Iska Schön GmbH
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
STG Braunsberg GmbH
Oskar Nolte Group
Peter Möhrle GmbH & Co. KG
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