立石为美国伊利诺斯州最大的废品处理公司Lakeshore Recycling 实现由Goldman Sachs 投资的资本重组提供咨询

Livingstone’s Business Services sector team has advised the shareholders of Lakeshore Recycling Systems, the largest private waste company in Illinois USA, on a recapitalisation led by Goldman Sachs Private Capital Investing and Maple Partners. The investment will enable LRS to continue to grow its operations and provide its customers with best-in-class service. The Company’s existing executive team will continue to lead LRS, and the new ownership structure will not impact operations. LRS’ recapitalisation follows a year of aggressive growth as evidenced by the Company’s acquisition of three leading regional waste services and recycling companies and the awarding of numerous large municipal contracts. In just five years, LRS has grown annual revenues in excess of $170 million and now counts more than 760 employees across greater Chicagoland. Since 2013, LRS has grown through a combination of strong organic growth coupled with strategic acquisition of independent waste collection companies. This growth has led to a large regional presence, and the Company continues to seek super-regional acquisition opportunities in Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota and Southwest Michigan. “We are thrilled to have helped secure recapitalisation capital to accelerate LRS’ platform expansion,” commented Stephen Miles, Partner, at Livingstone. William Blair served as co-adviser to LRS on the transaction. Much Shelist served as legal adviser and Capstone Partners LLC provided financial advisory services to the Company.