2018 Global Business Services Report

The Livingstone Global Business Services Report provides insights into the trends and activities driving the active sector worldwide.
In this issue, we discuss both the intense activity in the sector and global debt trends, break down how savvy investment in technology can lead to higher company valuations, analyze the forces driving the growth of the cybersecurity market, explore the European facilities management sector, and reveal that 2018 is the year digital media spend finally trumped offline media spend.
In this report
- Global M&A Outlook
- Tom’s Two Cents: Global Debt Trends
- Your IT Strategy Today Drives Your Company Valuation Tomorrow
- Ready, Set, Wait – Spain’s Structural Issues Holds the FM Sector Back
- Blue Skies Ahead for Business Services
- Driving Forces Behind the Cybersecurity Market
- Automation Platforms Pick Up Steam in Marketing
- The German FM Market Comes of Age