Livingstone Shares Tech-M&A Insights at Software Finland Webinar

For software firms aiming to seize growth opportunities or explore strategic exits, understanding the dynamics of M&A markets is crucial. In a recent webinar hosted by Software Finland, the association of the Finnish software companies, Michael Westhoven and Frederik Schreurs from Livingstone in Düsseldorf hence provided strategic insights into the state of Tech-M&A to Finnish software firms. The presentation is available as YouTube video and downloadable PDF.
The M&A-series, hosted by Software Finland, the association of the Finnish software companies, serves as a platform for members to gain insights from industry experts and equip them with the necessary tools to successfully navigate the complexities of the M&A market.
Michael Westhoven’s and Frederik Schreurs’ comprehensive one-hour presentation in this context offered a nuanced insight into the state of the finance and M&A markets for Tech companies. Furthermore, the presentation provided actionable advice and strategies on how to succeed in M&A and fundraising as a tech company.
The recorded webinar is available on YouTube here. Livingstone’s segment, conducted in English, begins at 7:24. Additionally, you can download the PDF of the presentation.