Support life-saving work in Zambia with The Livingstone Foundation

Started in 2014 by Livingstone Partner Neil Collen and his wife Marie Gillett, the Livingstone Foundation collaborates with local NGOs and companies to positively impact rural villages in the Zambian Luangwa valley via a variety of initiatives that span childhood development and education, healthcare, and access to clean water.
Like the rest of the world, the valley has been impacted by the global pandemic. Travel restrictions have brought the tourism industry, the area’s main employer, to its knees.
As Neil shared in the 2020 Annual Report, “Things are not improving. As governments and individuals in the West have turned their attention inwards to save money and support their own economies, charitable donations have become scarce. Now, more than ever, that our projects are most needed. Training, access to water, food, and education are critical, as is convincing the local population that animal conservation is vital even if no visitors are around.”
Recognizing that aid would likely dwindle due to the pandemic, the Livingstone Foundation stepped up and helped:
- 501 students access education
- Cover the cost of staffing: 6 teachers, 1 librarian, and a night watchman
- Bore 9 wells, ensuring 2700 people can drink clean water without fear for the rest of their lives
- Provide meals to nearly 300 people experiencing food insecurity
- Sustain a wildlife conservation program for the region
More than ever, your commitment ensures the foundation can continue its life-saving and life-changing work.
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Additional Insights
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