Risk Management-specialisten Hillard Heintze förvärvas av Jensen Hughes
Livingstone is pleased to announce it has advised Hillard Heintze, a market leader in strategic security risk management and investigation services, on its sale to Jensen Hughes, a portfolio company of Gryphon Investors. Livingstone acted as exclusive financial adviser to Hillard Heintze.
Chicago-based Hillard Heintze, founded in 2004 by former U.S. Secret Service Agent Arnette Heintze, has earned accolades as an industry leader in setting new world-class service standards for customised solutions that help organisations identify and manage risk to their people, property, performance, and reputations. Over the past 15 years, more than 85 Fortune-ranked enterprises, 575 U.S. and international brands, and 150 of the world’s most affluent families have gained insight, assurance and confidence through Hillard Heintze’s services – and are better managing their security risk. Jensen Hughes is a global leader in safety, security and risk-based engineering and consulting.
“This is a very exciting day for us,” says Hillard Heintze founder and CEO Arnette Heintze. “Joining Jensen Hughes is the most powerful and promising way to continue to meet our vision to be trusted around the world to protect what matters. When I decided to explore transaction alternatives, I set clear goals for what I wanted to accomplish and searched for an advisor that would construct a process designed to meet those objectives. Livingstone provided expert advice and guided us to this tremendous outcome for the Company.”
“Hillard Heintze is a world leader and innovator in security risk management, and we are pleased to complete a transaction with an ideal partner in Jensen Hughes,” commented Andrew Bozzelli, Partner at Livingstone. “The sale of Hillard Heintze represents another successful transaction for us in the security industry as well as achieving a great outcome for a founder-operated business.”
Mayer Brown served as legal counsel and Plante Moran provided accounting services to Hillard Heintze on this transaction.
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- När jag väl bestämt mig för att sälja satte jag upp mål för vad jag ville uppnå med transaktionen och sökte sedan en rådgivare som skulle driva en process specifikt utformad för att nå mina mål. Livingstone gjorde detta, bidrog med sin expertkunskap och guidade oss fram till ett fantastiskt resultat för bolaget.Arnette Heintze, VD, Hillard Heintze
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