“Opportunity Amidst Crisis,” a Live Three-Act, Three-Hour Webinar ‘Play’

Experts Offer Advice in Three Acts June 23: I. Understanding The Company’s Position, II. Understanding the Options, III. Chapter 11 and its Alternatives, a Deep Dive

The challenges facing businesses in our post-COVID-19 economy have been nothing if not dramatic. To creatively help distressed business owners faced with making quick and crucial decisions, several non-profit organizations have joined forces to produce a live webinar, “Opportunity Amidst Crisis.”

The three-hour, three-act webinar ‘play’ is designed to give businesses a basic understanding of their options when facing a financial crisis. It is being co-produced by the Turnaround Management Association, Financial Executives International, the Private Directors Association, the Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors, the Midwest Business Brokers & Intermediaries, and the New York Institute of Credit.

Opportunity Amidst Crisis actors will include some of the leading financial experts in the country, including attorneys, investment bankers, financial advisors, private equity principals, commercial lenders, accountants, business owners, and private company directors.

For a complete list of panelists, please see the Opportunity Amidst Crisis website.


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