Livingstone sets the floor for Wynnchurch Capital portfolio company on its refinancing

Livingstone is pleased to announce the successful refinancing of Foss Manufacturing Company, LLC (“Foss Floors” or the “Company”), a portfolio company of Wynnchurch Capital. Wells Fargo Capital Finance (“Wells Fargo”) provided the financing.
Established in 2017, Foss is a well-known leader and pioneer in sustainable non-woven needle punch floor coverings and specialty flooring products sold for residential and commercial use across the U.S. The Company has successfully carved out a defensible niche, achieving significant sales and margin growth via channel expansion, new product introductions, and dedicated investments in manufacturing capacity and technology. Foss’s proven ability to consistently deliver high-quality and cost-competitive products has proven extremely valuable to its blue-chip customer base and resulted in significant market share gains expected to continue for years to come.
Neel Mayenkar, Partner at Wynnchurch Capital, stated, “As an active investor with over $4 billion under management, we are well connected in the middle market lending market. However, in this instance, we needed support to manage the financing process. Livingstone provided great assistance in developing the right structure and generating strong financing solutions to support Foss’s expansion plans. Livingstone exceeded our expectations, and we are excited to partner with Wells Fargo on the next chapter for Foss.”
Erica Rahn, CFO of Foss Floors, added, “We are very pleased with the outcome. Livingstone clearly understood what was important to us in a lender and secured a financing package with our longstanding partner Wells Fargo. The structure they put in place allows us to expand our product offering while giving us ample liquidity to support growth.”
Tom Lesch, Partner at Livingstone, “The Foss transaction highlights our ability to source a market-clearing structure from a trusted lending source in Wells Fargo Capital Finance. Our process allowed the company to focus on its key 4th quarter year-end while we canvassed the debt market for the best pricing, terms, and structure. The outcome generated meaningful liquidity for the company and sponsor while supporting future expansion.”
Foss Floors is Livingstone’s 124th transaction completed since 2020. The refinancing reinforces Livingstone’s position as the advisor of choice for private equity sponsors following successful outcomes for Angeles Equity Partners, Aterian Investment Partners, Frontenac Capital, Huron Capital, L Catterton, and RFE Partners.
DLA Piper represented Foss Floors, while Otterbourg PC represented Wells Fargo Capital Finance.
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