Systemair AB of Sweden acquired Menerga GmbH

Systemair AB, a leading international ventilation company has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of Menerga GmbH, one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of air handling units. Livingstone Düsseldorf’s Industrial Sector team advised Systemair on the acquisition.
Systemair has operations in 44 countries in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, Asia and South Africa. The Company had sales of SEK 4bn in FY12 and employs c. 3,400 people. Founded in 1974, the group’s products are marketed under the Systemair, Frico, VEAB and Fantech brands and is listed on the Swedish NASDAQ OMX stock exchange.
Menerga was established in 1981 and is one of the leading manufacturers of air handling units in Europe focusing mainly on the leisure sector. Located in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, the company employs c. 400 people, and had a turnover of €56.7m in FY12.
– We are very pleased to have acquired Menerga, who have a first class reputation, especially in swimming pool ventilation systems”, said Gerald Engström, Swedish Systemair’s President and CEO.
– Today Menerga entered into a new era. The collaboration with Systemair offers completely new opportunities for us, so that we will be able to manufacture and market our leading technologies worldwide even more efficiently. With increasing competition within the sector, we are now very well positioned going forward, added Dr. Christian Hennerkes, Menerga Managing Director.
Under Systemair’s umbrella, Menerga will remain highly autonomous and will retain its brand identity. The production facility in Mülheim and its sales offices across Europe will remain.
– We see great synergies within Systemair and believe that with the Management team we will together be able to increase sales volumes significantly in the future. At the same time Systemair will benefit from Menerga’s technical know-how in the area of complex comfort and process ventilation systems, concluded Gerald Engström.
– This transaction is a great example of a deal where each party wins. The significant potential synergies makes for a compelling value proposition while Systemair will also be investing into Menerga locations and technologies. We are delighted that we were able to help Systemair to conclude this strategic transaction, added Ralph Hagelgans, Partner at Livingstone Düsseldorf and advisor to the acquirer.
The Systemair – Menerga deal is the eighth successful cross-border transaction advised by Livingstone Partners within the last 12 months. Other transactions include Kronospan – Grupo Interbon, MineTech International – Dynasafe Area Clearance Group, Marwyn Gaming – Gauselmann Group, Intensiv-Filter – Himenviro Environmental Technologies and Hamilton Safe Companies – Gunnebo.
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- Vi ser stora synergimöjligheter inom Systemair och tror att vi tillsammans med ledningsgruppen kommer att kunna öka försäljningsvolymen avsevärt. Samtidigt kommer Systemair kunna dra nytta av Menergas tekniska kunskaper inom komplexa komfort- och processventilationssystem.Gerald Engström, VD & ordförande, Systemair